#HealthCarouselINSPIRE | Featuring Nurse Camille, an NCLEX Passer under the PassportUSA ASPIRE Program. We are honored to introduce you to Nurse Camille, one of our candidates under the PassportUSA ASPIRE Program. She joined Health Carousel Philippines in 2018 and passed the NCLEX in 2019 through our NCLEX Sponsorship Program. NCLEX PREPARATION. It was due long process but it was all worth it. Before I even signed up at HealthCarousel. I studied bit by bit. Once I joined up, they gave me review materials to tackle to which were helpful. They were supportive too. I used Mark Klimek'saudio files and a month before my scheduled date for NCLEX. I used UWorld which is extremely beneficial if you want to familiarize and master SATA questions. Even at work and while commuting, I strived to review and answer questions. Two weeks before my exam, I used to answer 200 questions a day and barely even sleep in the process but every sacrifice and hard work were all worth it in the end. Of course, I've never forgotten to pray every day and ask for strength and tolerance. I know I wouldn’t make it if it weren’t for Him Almighty because after all, prayer is the best armor against all trials. NCLEX EXPERIENCE. I told myself be that as it may, I know I did my best effort. I prepared myself mentally and also spiritually. NCLEX for me is a fair based exam. It requires a bit of memorization especially laboratory normal values but mostly it necessitates you to master the analytical techniques. The questions were quite hard. However, I stayed calm, remembered my test taking strategies, and forged ahead. After answering my last question, the computer stopped and prompt me to advance in the research questions then my anxiety rises but still relieved at the same time because I'm done already. After waiting for excruciatingly three long days, Health Carousel called me and delivered the best news. With tears in my eyes, because I couldn’t contain my happiness, I told my parents right away.I thank the Lord God for leading me through it. I’m grateful for so many things, to my family and friends; and also to IPass and Health Carousel for all the support and guidance they have given me throughout the processing of NCLEXbut mostly to God that without him I’d be nothing. God just gave me the best Christmas and new year’s gift that I could ever receive. NCLEX program itself for me is highly commendable as it was executed properly and systematically that I, as a reviewer and test taker, find it really helpful and useful. The program made my future possible as it allowed me to have my review through online courses despite of my busy schedule of work. HER MESSAGE TO ASPIRING US REGISTERED NURSES. To aspiring USRNs, there will be times when you will feel overwhelmed. Sometimes, you may lose patience and feel stressed. Work and review may frequently conflict with one another, but remember every sacrifice and hard work will be all worth it. Always have a mindset that you must win at every trial that will be given to you. Pray and pray and pray and God will hear you. Get rid of your worries. Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you. — 1 Peter 5:7

#HealthCarouselINSPIRE | "Every sacrifice and hard work will be all worth it."
July 9, 2020
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