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"Satisfied and happy with their work." - Norabel, USRN

"Satisfied and happy with their work." - Norabel, USRN

August 1, 2019

It was June of 2016 when I saw their advertisement on Facebook. I clicked their page and set an appointment with them for an interview over the phone. A day after I received an email for the signing of the contract. From that day, I started producing all the requirements they need. And that’s the start of my journey, that week it was full of excitement, I received emails from time to time, updates from my advisor. Until I was transferred to another advisor in the Philippines in 2017. I got my priority approved that year and the process became fast and smooth. Although, I heard some negative comments from others, regarding the company’s having a problem I did not listen to them but instead I continue communicating with my IDAs to know what should be done. I don’t mind others what they say, I follow what my IDAs is telling what to do. I would say that all of my IDAs did their part to make my American dream fast. They are very accommodating and friendly. There are times that we cannot connect with them but there is always a valid reason. So, I guess I am satisfied and happy with their work.Although it took me more than 2 years to reach my goal I am very thankful with all the team members of Health Carousel for a job well done. Without your support, I am not here today getting my ticket going to the USA. Thank you and more power!

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