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"Well-organized and accommodating." - Apple, USRN

"Well-organized and accommodating." - Apple, USRN

July 3, 2019

I joined Health Carousel in 2016 and the processing was a breeze, depending also on how fast and compliant you are with the documents. A million thank you to Health Carousel for helping us realize the American dream! I didn’t experience any problems with Health Carousel, to be honest, they were well-organized and accommodating. To my IDA Liza, thank you for being very kind and patient, you were there since the very beginning. To Kim, thank you for your support and guidance. To Roda, thank you for being very efficient and systematic. Thank you all for all your hard work and dedication! Health Carousel was there every step to guide and achieve our goals.To aspiring candidates, trust the process, be patient and know that everything works in God’s perfect time.___________Apple is now a USRN and will be working as a nurse in South Carolina.

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